Of Bond
DON'T THINK OF HANDMAID'S TALE. It is absolutely not related. At all. I was watching The Kumars at No. 42 just now and one of the guests on the show was Jane Seymour. Jane Seymour happens to have played Solitaire in Live and Let Die. Just in case you were wondering, NO, she wasn't playing the card game. And anyway, at that time, they didn't have the computer versions. And Live and Let Die is not just the name of the song originally by Paul McCartney and Wings, and then later redone by Guns n Roses. It's also the title of the eighth Bond film, and the first one with Roger Moore. But, it doesn't really matter whether the above made sense. All that matters now is that you know that Jane Seymour played a Bond girl some time in the past, and that Pierce Brosnan has played Bond before. So what happened according to Jane Seymour was that her twin sons had a play date with Pierce Brosnan's son, Dylan, and that Dylan had said that "my daddy is James Bond", to which, her twins replied, "our mum's his girlfriend". And that just sounds so wrong. |