An update
Ah, I see that I have failed to update for a rather long period of time.
Those of you who see me around constantly, whether you like it or not, will most probably know why.
Anyway right now I'm in school in the library, and I got real bored so I borrowed a laptop and decided to log on.
The following picts are of complete irrelevance and I think (and hope) that you are able to discern my extent of boredom.

Right. The one on the top is one of my many card towers which I've been building in the classroom and various other locations around school.
The one on the bottom is from ACES day, and I discovered that I failed to put it up so I might as well do so for the sake of the people in the photo.
And Yinx's yearbook design is rather nice, although there are some bits which would be nice to change but unfortunately that can't be done as it's due.
I think my life has been rather boring, come to school, finish lessons at like 10am, stone until options, which are constantly at extremely late parts of the afternoon, and wish that I could go to Orchard to eat some nice(r) food, but I can't because the school says that we can't leave school until 1.30pm. Why, I have yet to find out.
I don't think it makes sense at all, because keeping us around until 1.30pm especially if we have no options after that or if our options are extremely late simply does not make sense. If it's meant to keep us out of trouble and mischeif, I don't think it's very helpful because we can easily come up with all that after school and in school as well. It's just purely boring hanging around school waiting for time to be up. And I personally study better at home, and as a result of this, I can't even study properly.
Also, if they mean to do this to us because the other levels might be jealous, well, then, it's just too bad. They, too, will get their turn when they're in Sec 4. It's just a matter of time. I really hope they review this fast because if they take their time, then it would be completely useless as we would still have to wait and wait and wait.
My options, for those who are interested/kaypoh/whatever, would be Leadership in Citizenship, Are You Speaking English, Saying What You Mean and Know Your Body, the latter two being in the second half. It seems that even without my name being last, I still have the fate of being put as the last.
Recently I borrowed a tiny little book from the school library, entitled, The Guide to Speaking Better Singlish. And it was apparently written by class 307 of 1996, which is close to 10 years ago. That was when I was in P1. Wow. And I suppose that also explains the condition and layout of the 'book', and the quality of the images, which looks really pixellated. But then again, it was 1996, who can blame them? I really think it's rather funny, even though it's a bit outdated and I don't get some parts of it.
I don't think I should talk too much about Are You Speaking English, as yx is still rather sore about it.
Meanwhile, nothing that funny around here has been happening. Not quite what I expected but I guess it has to be.
Those of you who see me around constantly, whether you like it or not, will most probably know why.
Anyway right now I'm in school in the library, and I got real bored so I borrowed a laptop and decided to log on.
The following picts are of complete irrelevance and I think (and hope) that you are able to discern my extent of boredom.

Right. The one on the top is one of my many card towers which I've been building in the classroom and various other locations around school.
The one on the bottom is from ACES day, and I discovered that I failed to put it up so I might as well do so for the sake of the people in the photo.
And Yinx's yearbook design is rather nice, although there are some bits which would be nice to change but unfortunately that can't be done as it's due.
I think my life has been rather boring, come to school, finish lessons at like 10am, stone until options, which are constantly at extremely late parts of the afternoon, and wish that I could go to Orchard to eat some nice(r) food, but I can't because the school says that we can't leave school until 1.30pm. Why, I have yet to find out.
I don't think it makes sense at all, because keeping us around until 1.30pm especially if we have no options after that or if our options are extremely late simply does not make sense. If it's meant to keep us out of trouble and mischeif, I don't think it's very helpful because we can easily come up with all that after school and in school as well. It's just purely boring hanging around school waiting for time to be up. And I personally study better at home, and as a result of this, I can't even study properly.
Also, if they mean to do this to us because the other levels might be jealous, well, then, it's just too bad. They, too, will get their turn when they're in Sec 4. It's just a matter of time. I really hope they review this fast because if they take their time, then it would be completely useless as we would still have to wait and wait and wait.
My options, for those who are interested/kaypoh/whatever, would be Leadership in Citizenship, Are You Speaking English, Saying What You Mean and Know Your Body, the latter two being in the second half. It seems that even without my name being last, I still have the fate of being put as the last.
Recently I borrowed a tiny little book from the school library, entitled, The Guide to Speaking Better Singlish. And it was apparently written by class 307 of 1996, which is close to 10 years ago. That was when I was in P1. Wow. And I suppose that also explains the condition and layout of the 'book', and the quality of the images, which looks really pixellated. But then again, it was 1996, who can blame them? I really think it's rather funny, even though it's a bit outdated and I don't get some parts of it.
I don't think I should talk too much about Are You Speaking English, as yx is still rather sore about it.
Meanwhile, nothing that funny around here has been happening. Not quite what I expected but I guess it has to be.
sore?! hah! you bet i fucking am.
10:16 pm, September 18, 2005
wah yx, chill.
7:06 pm, September 19, 2005
well, this way you won't get to slack the whole day off monday in week 7...
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