(Another) bus ride

So, I took yet another bus ride home, and although I haven't gotten enough sleep for the past 5 days straight, I somehow managed to stay awake in an attempt not to miss my stop.

I enlisted the help of my mp3 player and TV Mobile.

When I mention TV Mobile, it really means that I was desperate.

Oh, and the guy who was sitting in front of me, he had hair which was until the middle of his back. Which is longer than most girls' hair. And that is kinda scary in itself. But in this case, what made it even scarier, is that this guy went and had it done into dreadlocks.

If you don't know what dreadlocks are, well, according to me, they look dreadful. Basically its hair twisted together into strands about 5mm - 1cm thick, and then these dreads of twisted hair have wax (yes you heard me right) put on them so that they keep in place, because any idiot will let you know that hair isn't naturally twisty. If you don't believe me, twist some of your own hair and see if it stays twisted. If it does, then either you cheated, or you're just seriously weird.

Anyway the guy's entire head had these black snake like things snaking everywhere, and I thought they just looked bad. And not to mention, I was also wondering, what was he going to do when hair started growing out again, then the roots won't be twisty but the rest will be, and that's going to look seriously out-of-place and even weirder than it already is.

But I guess they guy did try to do something about it, from the result on his hair that I saw. He put more wax. But I would say that whoever put the wax, be it him, his mother, his sister, his girlfriend, or his hairstylist (in which case everyone out there take note: bad hairstylist.) did a particularly botched job.

The amount of wax there was probably enough to keep a candle burning for a long long time. And, not to mention, the texture was uneven, because you have this long twisted length of hair, and then this big bulky bit of wax at the roots. It made it look even worse.

Also, I wondered how the guy ever washed his hair properly. Imagine, you go for PE and then you get all sweaty. You take a bath, but then since your hair's like all twisted up, the sweat which has somehow managed to find its way into the twisted hair can't be washed out. How the sweat found its way there is not for me to answer. But trust me. Sneaky things like sweat droplets know their way around.

Generally, I'm trying to say that his hair is probably dirtier than the average toilet bowl.

And, I was wondering how he would ever be able to comb his hair. His comb must have teeth at least 1.5 cm apart in order for him to finish combing his hair and leave his scalp intact. Or maybe he just doesn't comb his hair in the first place (like Louise).

How does he sleep? With all that wax in his hair, he can't possibly sleep normaly. I mean, you lie down and you get these waxy things poking at your head, how to sleep properly? Oh, he looked like he was suffering from chronic lack of sleep. Maybe that's why.

Then I wondered what he would have to do if he wanted to change his hairstyle. He can't very well undo the dreadlocks, I mean, they're quite permanent. So I figured that the only way out was to shave his head botak. What a drastic change. From hair length middle of the back to bald. And I can't imagine that he spent all that time waiting for his hair to grow long just to dreadlock it and then shave it off. Or perhaps he did hair extensions, in which case, I'd say he has a lot of money, patience, and a relatively high tolerence for pain.

Finally I wondered why he would even do such a thing in the first place. Sure, it attracts attention, in fact, a whole lot of it. Example: No one wanted to sit next to him probably because they thought that sitting next to this weird guy would cause them to catch the weird disease and then have hair like that too. But seriously, it's just simply impractical. Especially in Singapore.

Okay, I've written a whole lot about one single person's hairstyle, mostly because I spent my entire bus journey staring at his head and figuring those things out. You get really bored on buses. But you also get to observe some wonderfully interesting personalities (and hairstyles). See YX, taking buses is relatively fun, and sometimes even beats taking a car. But well, just don't take a bus at rush hour.

Oh, today during maths, which was the first block, Mrs Chew gave us a quiz. I couldn't do the second question at all, and for the first question, I got the answer 1:3999. The real answer is supposed to be 1:49. My answer is way off. Oh well. As for the second question, it was on kinematics. I really didn't know how to do it, so I spent the time I was supposed to spend on the question writing a poem about my dislike of kinematics instead. Here it is for your reading pleasure (or displeasure, whichever it is). That is, if you weren't one of those who read the poem on-the-spot.

Kinematics by me.

I don't like kinematics.
I just don't see why,
Acceleration, t and velocity,
Hey, I'd rather die.

I really don't know
Why whatever equals zero,
And if you could explain it to me,
Then you'd be my hero.

How fast, how long,
Does it really matter?
As long as I get there in the end,
I'd rather take the latter.

So, Kinematics,
Why do you exist?
You bring misery to my life,
Shrouding it in mist.

Why am I even writing this?
I'm just wasting my time,
And you know what else?
This was not even supposed to rhyme.

Yes, lame, whatever.
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11:36 pm, August 19, 2005

hello. This entry definitely brought me some entertainment, especially this late at night studying boring bio. -_-

SO what are you doing this late up anyway (msn) especially when you haven had good sleep this week?!? Lemme guess. your studying?!? Haha, lots of people are online if you noticed. All mugging away.

Ok, i decided that you must have been really bored on your ride home to have observed that guy to such extent. I confirmed that when i realized that your entire entry has been dedicated to his hair. HAHA. oh and i realized the way you described his hair 'black snake' reminded me of Medusa. Poor guy. Did he have some bad hair job or what? But then again, he obviously styled it on purpose. WHERE WAS YOUR CAMERA WHEN YOU NEEDED IT MOST?!? gahh.

Maths quiz was well... I did not read the first question properly. i went to find total area instead of ratio. dumb, yea? And i like the poem. esp. the 2nd para. Oh wouldn't mrs chew be pleased? xDD    

11:40 pm, August 19, 2005

Oooh sounds like a wicked hairstyle. Ha, I would love to see it actually. Anyway, what the hell is kinematics? I'm still in sec 3 so I don't know much. Heck, I'm afraid of 'o' levels.


12:11 am, August 20, 2005

Sumin, Mrs Chew received a copy of the poem during maths after school already, and she laughed her head off.

But I meant it, at that time at least.    

11:02 am, August 21, 2005

im sian. and sleepy. sleep dleeepy woopy vroopy boopy moopy. yep. btw.. for all the crap i talk.. including the one.. above.. blame lack-of-sleep.. not me. *backs away*    

10:17 am, August 22, 2005

interesting entry about the dreadlocks. haha at least the guy gout your attention.
it's really gross though!


10:34 am, August 22, 2005

hey hello rh. haha, entertainment entertainment. was quite fun reading the kinematics poem man. and sumin, i cld tell ur writing style before i even saw ur name! :p whee, and i realised i got that q1 for maths quiz right. ok, back to mugging. :(    

6:32 pm, August 24, 2005

rh, I must say...after reading ur blog, knowing u are so bored as to stare at the back of some guys head for such a long time, I finally realised the meaning of "weird". ;P

- u shld be able to guess who i am right? ;P    

11:26 pm, August 26, 2005

haha i like the poem! =) oh well..i din do the kinematics qsn either..ladidum..i tink guys wif flowing long hair that looks like they comb it and wash wif shampoo and conditioner as well as like erm take care of super well....is worse and scarier than an african locks twisted braided style.ahha...imagine a white faced guy with longgg blacck hair. scary la..like male pontianak! haahah..oh well >.<    

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