Youth is wasted on the young
Before you know it's come and gone
Too soon
- Robbie Williams in Eternity
I know I'm 15. I have 22 days left to my 16th birthday. Anyway, take that as a hint. BIG hint.
But the point here is that I think the quote above makes a lot of sense. Although I somewhat get the idea that I'm the youth and I shouldn't be thinking like that, I don't really feel that way.
I feel old. And I mean it. If me feels old, and me can't even watch an NC-16 movie, I really wonder what I'll think when I'm 30 or 40.
Putting my age aside, I totally agree with the quote. You don't ever treasure something until you lose it. And youth is supposedly the best time of your life, although I've probably lived too short a life to pass a judgement on that. I really don't want to grow up.
If I could freeze time I'd freeze it just after I turned 15 last year. That would be perfect, because last year we had the nice teachers, and we had a nice time, and we didn't have to worry about O level Chinese. I didn't appreciate it last year, but I do now. Just that it's too late.
Guess you never really know just what you've got
Till you finally realise it could be gone
- Jesse McCartney in That Was Then.
There are lots and lots of things that I want to do right now. Just that I can't do them for practial reasons. Time flies. It doesn't seem too long ago when I was in P1, just that P1 was a good 10 years ago. Before I realise it, everything here would have come and gone, too soon indeed.
Why is it that good things are ephemeral? And everything else just kind of comes along. I suppose we do live for the good times, and take the rest of the time as a side effect.
If I had lived maybe 30 years ago, I suppose things then would have been different. Because they didn't put such a big emphasis on grades, and everyone was pretty much happy-go-lucky.
Right now, we are spending our time doing performance tasks and CCAs and the likes, the of course while there are those outstanding people who are able to do everything and at the same time get top marks like GPA 3.9something, the rest of us mere mortals are unable to achieve that. And the thing is some of those people actually have a life.
I don't think anything will change just yet. So meanwhile I suppose I'll just have to try to realise what could be gone and to try and hold on before it goes.
-the above was actually written 2 days ago in school, but I didn't get round to putting it up-
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on Saturday, July 09, 2005 at 2:44 pm.
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