Just another day
Geez. Why must they arrange our timetable in such a way whereby it is the most efficient in inducing sleep? Today Maths was... normal. Which means I somewhat understood what Mrs Chew said, but then again, I've heard the lesson before. Then PE, which should have been fun but wasn't, because it's putting. I like making full swings. With preferably the iron, but wood's relatively okay too. And then recess, during which I ate 'renhui-ish food', in the words of Juliet. I think that while it is rather interesting that The Handmaid's Tale draws so many parallels with actual historic events in the world, I still feel that it is a book which is not really something I would read or study if given a choice. It's generally just not my type of book. Surprisingly enough, I badly wanted to study Shakespeare this year, but then they didn't include any of his works. If anyone said that they prefered Shakespeare over other writers in Sec 1, I would have laughed. But I'm not laughing now, because that's the truth. |
After school had lunch at Subway (again), this time with Juliet, Lou (or.. loo..) and Jie Ying. We talked about random stuff and everything under the sun, including:
a. the length a girl's skirt must be in order for stuff to be seen or exposed while she walks past Subway. For those who don't know, Subway at Far East is below ground level, an there is a sheet of glass running from groud level up about 1.5 metres. As a result of this particular construction quirk, unsuspecting girls who are wearing short skirts and who walk too close to the glass are inclined to exposing themselves to Subway customers. Actually, KFC and BK have this problem too, just that we eat at Subway more often so we know Subway better.
b. the behaviour of ang mohs in Europe, largely based on my experiences in France and England as a result of the Hist Lit trip. You really really do not need to know the details.
c. other random crap, and knowing us, conversation topics can centre around whether the Subway bread is burnt a not. Yes, it is actually possible, in fact, it did happen.
Went back to school for CCA, and Ms Tong told me that we were going to do candle making today. It was rather irritating when I discovered that, no, we were going to draw on wooden spoons/forks/whatever and help the Sec 3s fulfill their orders. I went to the back and searched up my long-lost sculpture thingy which broke, and decided to respray it and bring it home.
Then I came upstairs, updated my new blog (I'll tell you when it's finished), and stared down the pile of differentiation worksheets on my table. They're still there, and they have this rather, repulsive air about them. For the life of me, I really just can't figure out why.